See: Description
Class | Description |
Between |
between(X,Y,Z) - checks if a number is within a specified range. |
Compare |
compare(X,Y,Z) - compares arguments. |
Equal |
X=Y - an equality test. |
Is |
X is Y - evaluate arithmetic expression. |
NotStrictEquality |
X\==Y - a strict equality test. |
NotUnifiable |
X \= Y - checks whether two terms cannot be unified. |
NumericEquality |
X=:=Y - numeric equality test. |
NumericGreaterThan |
X>Y - numeric "greater than" test. |
NumericGreaterThanOrEqual |
X>=Y - numeric "greater than or equal" test. |
NumericInequality |
X=\=Y - numeric inequality test. |
NumericLessThan |
X<Y - numeric "less than" test. |
NumericLessThanOrEqual |
X=<Y - numeric "less than or equal" test. |
PredSort |
predsort(X,Y,Z) - sorts a list using the specified predicate. |
StrictEquality |
X==Y - a strict equality test. |
TermGreaterThan |
X@>Y - term "greater than" test. |
TermGreaterThanOrEqual |
X@>=Y - term "greater than or equal" test. |
TermLessThan |
X@<Y - term "less than" test. |
TermLessThanOrEqual |
X@=<Y - term "less than or equal" test. |
UnifyWithOccursCheck |
unify_with_occurs_check(X, Y) - an equality test using sound unification. |
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